Monika’s Universe

Monika’s Universe


Here are some "Good Reads" that I recommend...

"The Death of American Healthcare" by Dr. Mike Carberry, D.C.

"Read this shocking book. The future is at stake! Learn why drugs are so expensive and how Rockefeller helped the American Medical Association to eliminate all other legitimate caregivers in favor of a pill based healthcare system that created the opiod crisis. See proof of collusion between the AMA, Big Pharma, the FDA, Big Insurance, politicians and Big Food to keep America sick. Learn how Big Pharma owns congress and how it will own society if a change is not made. There is a cure for this mortal sickness, clearly presented at the end."

Dr. Mike Carberry is the founder and visionary leader of AMI (Advanced Medical Integration) The integrated practice model he developed has been used by nearly 2000 clinics across the country. He is a nationally sought-after speaker on topics ranging from business to health care economics and the opioid crisis.

This is a must read, eye opening. Highly recommend it.

PS. If you want to read this one, contact me and I will tell you where to buy it.

There are more books I have read and really enjoyed. I found them to be beneficial both in my professional and personal life. And many very eye opening.

What "good reads" do you recommend? Connect with me on Good Reads and let me know.