Monika Sardella
A little about me...
I’m a humanitarian trying to make this universe a better place to live.
With an intense interest in overall wellness and holistic care, my goal is to help transform healthcare by forwarding a model of Responsible Pain Management that reduces the need for pain medication, addiction to harmful drugs or unnecessary surgeries.
Having said that, I’m involved with everything from changing healthcare during the day to nonprofit humanitarian activities in the evenings and on weekends. Let's not forget putting some time in on self improvement! You should never neglect personal growth.
I believe that if you want to see improvement in the society, you have to be willing to contribute to it somehow. So what's a better way than rolling up your own sleeves and getting involved in your own community through various volunteering activities. After all, we all can do something about it!
Join me in this crusade. We need more people like you pushing forward and making this world better for everyone, especially our future generations.
If you agree, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee!
Thanks and I appreciate you!